Dive In

Paganistic sounds of primordial music creations in the mind of a robot.
Dive in deeper into the robot hole.

Sundays 22:00 – 00:00

Your Show

Do you want to have your own show?
The way you have imagined it, Free from playlists or consorship?

Contact usthrough our social media or at [email protected] to find out more about how you can enjoy being on the transmitting side of a free radio.




Diego mixes, crosses and matches genres and musical boundaries.
Join him on his trips.

Music is Memory

What is music to you?
What memories does it release?
Take a jump down the musical memory cliff and see what you find at the bottom.

Κυτταρίνη κι άλλες Ουσίες

Κυτταρίνη η πιο διαδεδομένη οργανική ένωση στον κόσμο, καθώς, όντας δομικός
πολυσακχαρίτης των φυτών.
Κυτταρίνη, ο πολυσακχαρίτη που αποτελείται από δεκάδες χιλιάδες μόρια γλυκόζης, που
ενώνονται και σχηματίζουν ευθείες αλυσίδες.
Από αυτή την κυτταρίνη φτιάχνονται και τα βιβλία.
KAO μια εκπομπή που της αρέσουν τα ταξίδια. Ταξίδια πνευματικά, μέσα από τις σελίδες
βιβλίων, μέσα από μουσικές και τραγούδια, πίνακες και χρώματα, γλυπτά, αλλά και κόμιξ,
κινηματογράφο. Με 2 λέξεις τέχνες, πολιτισμός.
ΚΑΟ μια εκπομπή στρατευμένη, που αγαπά τη διαφορετικότητα και την πολυχρωμία
Κάθε Δευτέρα στις 8μ.μ.

Sounds of the neighbourhood

Orestis use to live in Nicosia with two cats. Cats change. So does life. So does music.
Every Tuesday he prepares and hosts “Sounds of Neighbourhood” with music and stories from all over the Meditteranean.
From folk to electronic, metal and even children’s music, as well as crazy crossovers and mixes it is a musical trip that his mind generates in ways only few understand yet many enjoy.


Many DJs have been close to Lemoni since it started broadcasting in TEST MODE.
All these friends show their love of DJing and musical expression through weekly sets under the Misfits show.
Tune in for some amazing tunes and equally inspiring mixes.

Dates TBA